Healing Sessions Philadelphia and Psychic Readings in Philadelphia
Healing Sessions in Philadelphia and Psychic Readings in Philadelphia are done by Max Mancer from Light Axis Healing. Healing Sessions and Psychic Readings can be purchased on the website at: https://www.lightaxishealing.com
Healing Sessions.
The form of healing that Max does is called Light Axis Healing. Max developed this healing modality. It uses 7 powerful healing techniques, that help to heal, emotional and physical disease and illness. Max has worked full time as a healer and psychic reader for more than 15 years. He has helped thousands of people from all over the world. He has great testimonials on his website.
Light Axis Healing is a powerful system of Spiritual Healing. It is Done On The Phone, On Skype and Via Remote Healing. It can help to heal emotional and physical disease and trauma. The only way to know what a healing feels like, would be to purchase the session, and receive a healing from Max Mancer.
The Light Axis Healing System
Within the Light Axis Healing System there are 7 healing techniques. Having 7 advanced healing techniques covers all possibilities and gets the results you want. The seven healing techniques are the:
1. The Body Scan Technique
2. The Trauma Technique
3. The Oneness and Equality Technique
4. The Regression Technique
5. The Akashic Record Technique
6. The DNA Activation Technique
7. The Delta Technique
How does Light Axis Healing Work?
Light Axis Healing works through strong focused good intention of the healer. During a healing, negative beliefs, feelings and vibrations are removed from your body, mind, spirit, emotions and chakras, and these are Replaced by Bringing In Good beliefs, feelings and vibrations to your Body, Mind, Spirit and Chakras. Another way of looking at this is that “You are always perfect Joy”, and during the healing the “distortions to that Joy that cause your issues” are removed so that your joy and health and happiness can express themselves completely as they are supposed to. The healing works by making changes to your conscious and subconscious mind and energy at the same time.
What kind of results can you get?
Physical problems and disease are caused by emotional problems and problems on the energy level. Healings are done on the emotional level and energy level, and they can help to heal problems on the physical level. Healing can help to heal anything within the physical and emotional body that is unwell and bring it back to wellness. Results can be instant or take several healing sessions. Check out Max’s great testimonials from all over the world on the Light Axis Healing website.
Benefits of Having a Healing Session
A healing can help to heal anxiety, worries, stress, anger issues, and depression. A healing can also help to heal physical issues, which are usually caused by emotional issues. A healing session will remove negative unwanted energies, negative emotional states and negative mental states from you. It will also bring in good, pleasant and healthy life force energy into your body, mind and spirit, so that you can move forward with more strength and power.
Legal Disclaimer
Light Axis Healing is not a replacement or substitute for medical care or psychological treatment. It is a complementary natural energy therapy. It does not medically diagnose or prescribe treatments for illness.
Max Mancer also does psychic readings in Philadelphia. You can choose to receive the Psychic Reading On The Phone, On Skype or Via Email. He has good availability and good prices. He doesn’t do General Readings. He works mainly based on your questions. A psychic reading with Max, can help you to find out more about your Future, Love, Relationships, Finances and Travel. More importantly, you can find out which path to take to get to the future that you want. Max uses clairvoyance, clairaudience, empathy, direct knowing and he can speak to your guides.
Benefits of a Psychic Reading
A psychic reading can give you confirmation on what you were already sensing and feeling about your situation. A reading can help to answer your questions about your future and your current situation.
Healing Sessions and Psychic Readings can be purchased on the website at: https://www.lightaxishealing.com